All of Us Past Events

Explore the highlights of our All of Us past events.


NHMA & All of Us Puerto Rico: Advancing Health Research in Puerto Rico
June 18, 2024
NHMA, in collaboration with the All of Us Puerto Rico Health Care Provider Organizations (HPOs), hosted an engaging webinar featuring presentations from key Puerto Rican health organizations. Participants heard from representatives of the University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Puerto Rico Consortium for Clinical Investigation, Inc. (PRCCI), COSSMA, and Veterans Affairs Caribbean. The session also included discussions about the All of Us Research Hub.

Presentation Slides


NHMA, Mary's Center, and The National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) at Pride
June 9, 2024
NHMA, Mary's Center, and NAHN were proud participants at the Capital Pride Festival, held on Pennsylvania Avenue, America's Mainstreet. This vibrant event, the largest annual gathering in the national capital region, brought together the LGBTQ+ community for a day of entertainment. We engaged with attendees, distributed All of Us flyers and incentives.

NHMA 30th Anniversary Celebration and Leadership Summit
April 13, 2024
During NHMA's 30th Anniversary Celebration summit, a session focused on clinical trials diversity featured speaker Dr. Martin Mendoza, Director of Health Equity of NIH’s All of Us Research Program. Dr. Mendoza emphasized the program's dedication to fostering trust within historically marginalized communities, gathering comprehensive health data, and providing personalized genetic information to participants. He highlighted the tiered access to de-identified data for researchers, fostering diverse research endeavors.

Presentation Slides

Researcher Engagement Webinar and Workbench Demo
February 6, 2024

Watch below for an insightful session that includes comprehensive walkthroughs of the Researcher Workbench, as well as high-level overviews of the All of Us program, its data, and the Workbench tools. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of the All of Us program and learn how to effectively utilize the Researcher Workbench for your research needs.

Click Here to Watch!
Presentation Slides

AoU Presentation to Programa de Investigación para Estudiantes de la Salud (PIES)
January 24, 2024

Witness NHMA's recent presentation to Programa de Investigación para Estudiantes de la Salud (PIES), a non-profit organization in Puerto Rico comprised of STEM undergraduate students. The session highlighted a specialized segment on the All of Us Research Program, guided by Yuri Velasquez and Meredith Wilson.

Presentation Slides
Research It! Women's and Girls HIV/AIDS Care in the Gulf Coast Webinar
February 28, 2023
The NHMA Research It! Women's and Girls HIV/AIDS Care in the Gulf Coast Webinar combined our “Let’s Stop HIV Together” campaign with the All of Us Research Program. This impactful webinar highlighted how increasing diversity in genetic research can help support HIV researchers and healthcare workers to provide care, increase adherence, or promote prevention strategies to vulnerable populations.

Chicago Health Fair - The Latino Family Wellness & Health Equity Fiesta Tour
August 14, 2023
The Latino Family Wellness & Health Equity Fiesta Tour on August 12, 2023, was composed of community organizations, hospitals, clinics, businesses, and volunteers. This event offered vital free/low-cost services, health screenings, HIV tests, and more. We partnered with Northwestern to introduce the All of Us program. Attendees enjoyed a seminar, which was presented by Northwestern, explaining the program, its enrollment process, and its importance. We distributed program info, incentives, and hosted engaging discussions about the program!
Northwestern's Presentation

NHMA Nebraska Chapter Event
September 22, 2023
We hosted our Nebraska Chapter event, where Dr. Juan Santamaria shared information about the All of Us program to the attendees, emphasized the importance of signing up, and shared information about the Researcher workbench. Furthermore, he gave a captivating glimpse into his own project, which harnessed the power of the workbench. This project, titled "Breast Cancer Care Disparities in Sexual Minority Women: An Analysis of the National Institutes of Health All of Us Research Program," was submitted to the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium meeting in December.
Dr. Santamaria's talk was a true highlight, shedding light on the program's transformative potential.
Dr. Santamaria's Presentation